Thursday, September 16, 2010

Genius Never Spawns

If you watch these trailer park shows with all the DNA paternity tests and people squeezing out kids like passengers off a japanese subway, one wonders if God and nature does not favor a populace with Low IQ. In the end of the day, it seems nature is most interested in numbers, not quality. Look at Leonardo--no kids, Michelangelo--no kids, Einstein--I dont think he spawned either. But if you go to your local trailer park, they are spitting out kids like watermelon seeds. It seems dysfunction breeds children, and high functioning individuals seem to keep it to a limited "one child, if any" policy. People who are scarcely fit to bag groceries are raising children and shaping the minds of a whole generation of young ones. Nature abhors a vacuum "as they say" and it seems it does not care what it fills the vacuum with---warm bodies suffice.

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Alice in Winter Watercolor

12  x 16 inches on arches paper to purchase